Hey everyone.

First of all, thanks for checking out the site.

Periodically, I send out a request similar to this.  So, here goes.

I stopped taping 7 years ago, and about 3 years ago, when I started this site, I’ve been on a mission to both rescue DATs that are currently sitting in boxes in basements and attics, and circulate the uncirculated.

So, if any of you have, or know someone who has, tapes collecting dust, that need a good home and should also be put into circulation, send me an email at

I’m happy to spend my time transferring these old shows, and the clock is starting to run out on how long a lot of tapes will be usable.  I am especially interested in mostly in Grateful Dead (and side projects), moe., and sets from summer festivals from the mid 90’s through the mid 00’s (that said, I’ll take most anything).

Thanks again for visiting the site; there will be more shows uploaded here very shortly.

I’m also probably ISO of a new DAT deck, so if anyone in the Massachusetts/NH/Vermont area reading this has one for sale for a reasonable price, that still works, let me know.

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